Dive into the submerged history of the Pacific theater of WWII where ships, planes, submarines, and military surplus rest beneath the waves.
Lawson Wood’s Marine Life of the North Sea and English Channel is an extensive guide dedicated to the exploration and understanding of the diverse marine ecosystems found between the British Isles and the coasts of northern France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and southern Sweden.
Explore the submerged remnants of the Pacific theatre of WWII, where ships, planes, submarines, and military equipment now rest beneath the ocean's surface. Award-winning photographer Brandi Mueller captures these underwater time capsules in stunning photography, alongside gripping firsthand accounts of diving the wrecks and the stories of how these relics found their final resting places.
"A Snorkeller’s Guide to the Mediterranean" by Keith Broomfield is an informative guide tailored for those interested in exploring the diverse marine life of the Mediterranean through snorkelling.
This powerful and poignant documentary, "The Hunt," chronicles the extensive four-year quest to locate the Royal Navy 'Q' ship Lady Olive and the German Submarine UC18, both of which mysteriously vanished after a legendary WW1 confrontation.
Referatet af Rebreather Forum 4 (RF4), der blev afholdt i Valletta på Malta den 20.-22. april 2023, er nu redigeret og klan downloades kvit og frit. Det er spækket med interessant information og giver et indblik i de seneste fremskridt og forskning indenfor rebreather dykning og anden avanceret teknologi. Som sådan er det værdifuld kilde for både dykkere, instruktører og producenter.
The detailed proceedings of Rebreather Forum 4, held in Valletta, Malta, from April 20-22, 2023, is a valuable resource for divers, trainers, and manufacturers seeking to enhance the understanding and safe use of rebreathers in exploring underwater environments.
Diving With Sharks by Nigel Marsh and Andy Murch is an essential guide for anyone passionate about the exhilarating experience of diving with one of the ocean's most revered predators. This book provides a comprehensive look at safe and respectful shark diving practices.