Gulen Dive Resort was honoured with the Innovation Norway Tourism Award 2015 for the Sogn og Fjordane region, also known as "home of the fjords", at the annual tourism conference at Scandic Sunnfjord Hotel & Spa in Førde on November 19th."""
Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government's most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. They support companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation. http://www.innovasjonnorge.no/en/start-page/
Most noteably, Innovation Norway is the organisation responsible for the official Norwegian travel guide, www.visitnorway.com. - We're very proud and happy to recieve this prestigious award by the tourism industry, Gulen Dive Resort owners Monica Bakkeli and Ørjan Sandnes said after being handed the 50.000 NOK check from the manager of Sparebanken Vest, a regional savings bank sponsoring the award.
This is the first time someone in the Norwegian dive industry has been honoured with an official tourism award. - For a small company like ours, it's a dream come true simply to be nominated, said Monica Bakkeli.
Gulen Dive Resort was chosen by the jury to be one of three finalists from a field of 17 companies nominated for the award. The winner was finally decided by popular vote. Among the criteria for being nominated were sustainability, economy, innovation and international market potencial.
Gulen Dive Resort has provided excellent and unique diving opportunities to their clients since the beginning in 2001. Internationally they are known for spectacular wreck diving, photo workshops and events such as the Periphylla Safari and Nudibranch Safari.
With guests coming from a total of 90 countries, almost "half the world" has visited the resort! In the last 5 years, more than 40 articles about Gulen Dive Resort have been published in dive magazines across the globe.
Gulen Dive Resort is located just north of Bergen on the Norwegian west coast. Link to Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/eoBXRxzyhdD2